Earth Day
In light of earth day how was your earth day? Mine was pretty normal didn't do much. Sadly didn't know that it was earth day until I found out on Twitter . Sad right? Though here is how I think about it because in a way I celebrate it by not using many things that will kill the planet. I mean I am not one of those people who will do everything by recycling and what not which is good none the less. However, I may try this year situation where this couple never threw away ANYTHING! That meant they had to recycle everything they had. So they had to find out if that product was able to be recycled and not thrown away. I mean in a way it's really good to do so. Would I be successful with it and not go back to my daily routine? I am not to sure on that point because I haven't tried it. So in light of earth day and it being the ONLY day out of the whole year where we really appreciate the earth. Celebrate the earth on another day by no electricity in your home. It will save y...