Lonesome George Dies
With the last of it's own species. The tortoise known as Lonesome George died Sunday June 24, 2012. He is estimated to have been more than 100 years old. That is a pretty old tortoise but had a lot of history in its lifetime. The cause of death is unknown at this point and is scheduled for a necropsy. Which is pretty much a autopsy for these kinds of species. Lonesome George was found by it's owner Fausto Llerena, stretched out towards his watering hole. The history of Lonesome George dates back in the 70's in 1972 to be exact on Pinta Island where turtoises of his type were believed to be extinct. However, efforts on trying to breed him failed. Though he did have two ladies with him for a short period. He had two Espanola turtoises with him that were very close to the Pinta population. Though they were with George til the very end. In honor of Lonesome George the park "Galapagos National Park Service" will be having a special workshop in July (start...