
Showing posts from December, 2012

Adam Lanza: The Connecticut Elementary School Killer

Adam Lanza, age 20 from New Jersey is identified as the Connecticut Elementary School killer. He went into Sandy Hook Elementary around 9am to kill orginially his Mother. He ended up killing 20 people mostly children. Children who will never get to see their high school graduation or go to prom. Who will never be married, never have a true life. Some man comes in and takes that away from innocent children ages ranging from 5-6 years of age. I don't know what causes these acts of violence. It is sick to go in and kill anybody let alone innocent children. My heart and prayers go out to the victims families. RIP 

Connecticut Shooter Identified

The man who caused the ruckus in this mornings shooting is by the name of Adam Lanza of New Jersey. Not much more is said but he is the main who did the horrible act at a school in Newtown, Connecticut at Sandy Hook Elementary school in Connecticut. Update: Sorry If i may have caused any wrong. I just saw the first name when I saw it projected on screen on television earlier. I corrected my errors. Sorry again. When It was shown I typed and corrected.

Connecticut School Shooting

Earling this morning there was a shooting located in a Newtown Connecticut at an Elementary school. It is not sure at the moment the complete amount but there is presumed to be at least 20 people dead. Most of which are children who were from kindergarden through fourth grade. The shooter which may have been more was a man from New Jersey by the name of Adam Lanza. Who knows why this man went into kill but one thing is for sure he is a sick man. Why kill children that are innocent and never done anything wrong. It is said the Principal and Psychologist were killed and others injured along with the Vice Principal. Today the world won't forget this horrible crime because this may go down at the worst school shooting ever. Kids forever tormented by this day. I can't imagine how the parents of the children gone are feeling. My heart and prayers go out to them. This story is ongoing and I will update my blog as much as I can.

Casey Anthony Found Out of Hiding!

Since being released from probation, Casey Anthony was just recently spotted out of hiding. She has kept a low profile since being released. Who wouldn't blame her? After being acquitted about the murder of her own 3 year old daughter Caylee Marie Anthony, the world knows as a killer or at least someone who helped cover it up. Recently, she was spotted out at a restaurant in Florida no less. She has to go in hiding because of two lawsuits against her. One by a woman named Zanaida Gonzalez, who says Casey claimed she or at least someone by her exact name took her child. First off, how many people do you know by the name of Zanaida anyway? Especially since she it was reported she got her name from a registry where Zanaida used to live. Anyways, she and another woman who claims that Casey bullied and threatened this woman. However,  the second suit was thrown out by the judge.  Casey was believed to be spotted in Lake Worth, Florida at a steakhouse restaurant. You be the judge...