
Showing posts from February, 2010

Earthquake at Chile

Today it was told on the news the Chile had an earthquake. They had the scale a lot worse than chile it was at a rector scale of about 8.8! If you remember Haiti's earthquake was a 7.0 and their aftershock was around a 6.0. The earthquake for Chile has so far killed about 80 people. Right now since the earthquake and people are trying to clean up for Chile many of those who live in the Pacific may have to be warned of a tsunami. Those such as in Hawaii who live on the coast are being evacuated in case of one was to appear they would be ready. Just be aware that a tsunami can appear if you live on the coast so its better to be inland because the water will have to stop at some point. Also in the earthquake situation there was one in Japan and they to were warned about a earthquake (or it may have been china will update if i found out). Luckily, they didn't get a tsunami and that warning was taken off. Though you never know such as those who were in bankok the day after Christmas...

The New Swagbucks!!

If you don't know what swagbucks is first off its site where you search like a regular search engine and you get points. From the points you can save up for things like a digital camera or a piece of clothing, a gift card, and so much more. If you don't know it you must check it out and will be giving you a link to it. Well anyways, today on Thursday Swagbucsk is celebrating their 2nd birthday! Woot! What does that mean? Well means you get more swagbucks then you thought before and makes you look at swagbucks differently now. Plus the setting looks alot different and really professional looking. Oh and don't worry all the prizes are still there so you can still redeem what ever you were hoping to save up before. Well those of you who don't have a account and wonder what else is there. Swagbucks is a FREE website and no gimics no surveys nothing like that. All you do is sign up which is free and you are good to go. Then you just search with them as if you were searching ...

Free Books??

Do you like to read books and like to blog? Well there's a website where you can do both. It's called and what Book Sneeze is is a website where you can signup and read books and review them on your blog. Whats the catch? No catch! What you do is you go onto and put in an application form in. Once itā€™s approved (they will let you know via email) and send you a confimation link. Then you will be able to pick which books you would like to read and will probably send you one at a time. Then in exchange for the free book you have to read it and review it on your blog and a retailer website such as The review must be about 200 words or maybe more. If you love to read and don't mind doing reviews then itā€™s  something you should look into. You are now the one who is able to review something and once somone looks at your blog and that retailer website they may want to buy that book because it may sound interesting to the person reading your...

More Updates of Killer Whale News

So far according to "Yahoo!" they have the name and pictures of who the woman was. Her name was trainer Dawn Brancheau who was there for many years. I myself remember her in shows with shamu. She was very experienced in what she did and as people describe her as treating the animals like family. I could see that in what she did. However, on the news and no yahoo locally here in Orlando,FL they say that there was a show before the incident. Two whales were going to do tricks but somehow got out of that instinct of doing tricks and were going full speed right into each other and getting agressive. So immediatly they stopped the show from one person who eyewitnessed the show. The man claimed the two whales were getting agressive and all the trainers/ workers were running around. Then afterwards not sure how far apart of time that was to the whale incident. Though according to "Yahoo!" they said that the trainer was just rubbing the whale Tilikum's stomach when it s...

Killer Whale Kills Worker

Sadly today in Orlando, FL at Seaworld a worker may have been a trainer was killed from a killer whale. As I watch the news they say that there was one particicular whale that can be agressive. The only time anyone can go up to a whale is to feed it. They also say that whenever there is a show weeks ago they had to cut shows short along with today. What you have to realize is that killer whales in shows are trained for the show they can kill you outside of the show and they are known more in the wild. They aren't hand fed outside in the wild and do tricks they are trained. My heart gives out to the trainer/ worker who died along with her family. Its a terrible tragedy. I feel also horrible that tourists who visited the park today may have witnessed it. How? Well there is a restaurant where you can see the whales right next to you. However, with todays case they will need more people who witnessed to come out because it may have been an accident or the whale may have got mad. The on...


what is the best prank you have ever done? well for me i have pranked my parents before with a snake in the bathtub...long story short they called 911 and told them there was a REAL snake which they thought was real. so then my dad with a long stick i believe poked it and found out it wasnt real. it was all just a joke by me which they found out cuz where else can you find a fake rubber snake? o and that prank was also on their anniversary. well now im also kinda doing a prank on youtube. i did a vid that said "this girl is SO hot" first off i dnt like girls i like guys but it would probably get someones attention right? if you would like to see it here it is below. if you like it you can favorite on your youtube and comment rate and subscribe. if you also like doing pranks then instead maybe send this video to your friends to prank them as well. ^_^ u never know?

Dogs Gone Bad

There are no dogs that have actually gone bad first of but since I got your attention I did vlog about my dog Gucci two times this weekend. Hes a sweet dog at times. He can also be mean as well. He has never bit me or anything unless you get him really mad. The only times that happens is when hes trying to protect someone and the he will growl at the other person that hes not protecting or if he has done something bad. Here are the two videos if you would like to see them. and the story behind both of them (remember watch before reading this) the first was just something random I wanted to show the calmer side the side that is usually him. The second one was just he was already pissed before and if you close his mouth he will try to bite your hand as you move it away. We were NOT at all hurting him and would never hurt him. Theres another video about my dog diamond if I havent told you yet. Its on my channel at its called "chihuahua vs vacuum" as y...

Degrassi Lover?

So I am one of the many fans out there who love degrassi. I just started watching the show again and saw that there is a new cast of people. Which I believe I am a year behind because I guess they were new awhile ago. Anyways I was listening to the new theme song and was drawn by it and wanted to sing at least the song (the older version) so thats what I did then posted it onto youtube. If you would like to hear my singing then the video is down below. I know I am not the greatest singer but give me props many people wouldn't be so bold and post a video of them singing. If you would like just leave a comment below if you liked it or not. Degrassi Theme Song: