More Updates of Killer Whale News

So far according to "Yahoo!" they have the name and pictures of who the woman was. Her name was trainer Dawn Brancheau who was there for many years. I myself remember her in shows with shamu. She was very experienced in what she did and as people describe her as treating the animals like family. I could see that in what she did. However, on the news and no yahoo locally here in Orlando,FL they say that there was a show before the incident. Two whales were going to do tricks but somehow got out of that instinct of doing tricks and were going full speed right into each other and getting agressive. So immediatly they stopped the show from one person who eyewitnessed the show. The man claimed the two whales were getting agressive and all the trainers/ workers were running around. Then afterwards not sure how far apart of time that was to the whale incident. Though according to "Yahoo!" they said that the trainer was just rubbing the whale Tilikum's stomach when it snatched her and pretty much they are unsure if she was killed my drowning or died from thrashing. Remember one eye witness recalls seeing the thrashing of the whale I am unsure of the trainer itself but of course the whale which is about 12,000 pounds. That is so far of any updates that I know of. Just letting you know what I heard from my local news to what others may say. The show was first where two whales seemed to be agressive which has happened weeks before. Then the incident with the woman. This is a rare case that happens there has only been a few other cases of deaths from a killer whale in a seaworld habitat (not in orlando but in other seaworld locations).

Here is the yahoo page for the story:


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