Book Review: "The Map:The Way of All Great Men"

Well first off I want to say this book was a lot of fun to read I really enjoyed it. I joined a website where you get free books and exchange you must give your input on it. Well the book "The Map: The Way of All Great Men" is about the author himself and describing himself in the beginning as the author and how he talks about men in general. At first I thought this will be very interesting. The book was divided into two sections one was about of course himself and a death that turned into some weird mystery and with the map. However this isn't any kind of map. Now I can't tell you much because you need to read the book yourself. I love the excitement in the mystery in the book because that is what interests me. Then the second part turned into fiction. In the overall some of the book was about men and how they can be shown in the bible. Really interesting and I really recommend this book to any one.


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