Free Stuff!!!

I found a website months ago and have been on this website for awhile. Its called Listia. If you don't know what listia is its like ebay but free. How? Well you can auction your things and auction on things but you don't need money. You must be thinking then how do I win these items? Well you use points you get at times from commenting and whatnot on the site. If you see something you like then you click on the item and auction. So its like its money but not really....the only time is if you want to pay for shipping. Some things like ebay are free shipping or you may have to pay for shipping. The things I have seen are things such as the Ipad (its in the process once the ipad comes out then whoever wins by the date the auction ends will receive it) then theres also t-shirts and theres purses. Anything even if you dont want to sell your items and may just want the points then you can on listia. Its and awesome site totally legit! Oh and another way is if you want more points you can pay with money...kinda like in farmville and yoville when you want dollars and things. If you have any questions put it in the comments and will be happy to answer. It may be confusing because I may not be saying it clearly but again will be happy to restate anything. ^_^

the link if anyone wants to join is:


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