Happy Late St. Patricks Day!

How was your St. Patricks Day? Mine was just a regular day but good things came in store yesterday. So here's hoping to the future. Now next is Easter woot! I am thinking about getting flowers. I may be planning since I couldn't send any to my mom or to any other people who are great in my life why not? Plus of course the famous chocolate bunny. ^_^ How did you spend St.Patricks day yesterday? Are you even Irish? I have some irish in my so I can truly celebrate my ancestors before me who were. Its not a holiday per say just a rememberance I beleive. How come they made St. Patricks Day a day anyway? Such as Valentine's day, how come we don't spend it with loved ones? Anyways I have made a few other blogs that way their not all scattered onto this blog. So if you like check them out and follow me on them. <3 


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