How Much Do Youtube Partners Make?

Well I recently looked into becoming a youtube partner. I have put my videos on this blog to show you my randomness. Those are from youtube and becoming a youtube partner you must have many views and subscribers. If you think you have enough then you head on over to the youtube partners page and apply. If you are accepted then thats when you can start earning revenue from the videos you make. However, they have to be 100% yours and no one else's unless you ask permission. Now how much do they really make? Some people such as Chris Crocker "Leave Britney Alone" or Michael Buckley, Fred, Shay Carl, etc. They can make a decent income where they don't need a job and just make videos for a living. Google pays youtubers for money per 1000 views. Some speculate that the general cost for a video is $2.50 per 1000 views but its actually a lot less! Why so low? Well youtube aka Google will get about $25 for the video itself for the 1000 views you received. Though they have to share that with you, google itself, and with the advertisors that may be displaying ads on your youtube page. If you are thinking about becoming a youtube partner and just lost your job for whatever reason and just staring on youtube don't be planning to become a youtube partner to soon. You have to build up to it. That's how I am doing that. I currently don't make enough from my current job but also going through websites to get money. Really start looking into many ways of earning money and youtube could be one way. Just remember if you are planning to become a youtube partner and want to make a lot of money the usual amount may be .01 or 0.05 around there per thousand of views. Though its also like facebook or myspace or any networking website. You can talk with other youtubers and discuss how to make your videos better and make friends. Thats how you can get even more views and even become friensd with a youtube partner and get even closer to generating revenue. Good luck! If not then wish me luck! lol ^_^


  1. is a YouTube Stat site built by me, one of the original
    YouTube partners and another YouTube guy named Nick Long. The site not
    only shows how much money YouTube channels can *Gross but also breaks
    it down by individual videos. The earning estimates are based on my
    actual income and the income of many other YouTube partner channels
    that have provided confidential feedback to the site to make it as
    accurate as possible.

    *The "Gross" is an estimated earning potential of a channel or video,
    based on the number of views, earning an average CPM of known YouTube
    partner channels.


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