Will the World end in 2012? By Raymond C. Hundley

Will the World End in 2012?
This book seemed very interesting by the title. So before reading I pondered in the back to see what it is about. Such as if you were before going to see a movie you wanted to know what it may be about. It was great to read but confusing when there was letters at the end. The book made it a little confusing but still was very interesting. The first part that wasn't with letter was very good and if there may be a second part of the book somewhere then I may find it and read it. Which by the way it is a Christian book and for me its a great way to see what its like through another ones mind as to what may happen on that year around that time. So he puts his own opinions and facts in there. I really did enjoy this book and you probably will to! I've read it twice already so why not?


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