
Have you ever not been able to sleep that well? Well in my case I haven't I call it insomnia even though it may be the case. If you are interested in learning or may have or similar symptoms of insomnia.  I can tell you easily what you are. Before you thinl "Omg and I going to die?" No all it is is just not being able to sleep. The symptoms are all quoted from

  • Difficulty falling asleep on most nights
  • Feeling tired during the day or falling asleep during the day
  • Not feeling refreshed when you wake up
  • Waking up several times during sleep
Honestly if you have ANY of these symptoms you will want to go to a doctor if it keeps occurring. They will help you in finding medication and learning the source of whats going on. Though for my insomnia its enjoyable because I can do more stuff around the house yet I don't have a set schedule of when I am going to sleep and usually want to sleep with the stars and wake up with the sun. Instead I wake up in the afternoon and fall asleep in the morning around 4-6 am. Not as great as people may think. For more info and regular news please subscribe to the blog. 



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