Casey Anthony Trial - Day 3?
Well the heading is no big giveaway but Day whatever in trial it is is still booming with more evidence that comes out. First day we had Casey Anthony's dad testifying that he did not kill Caylee. Then the second day here was friends of Casey trying to prove that she wasn't looking for her daughter when she was missing and showing facts of her being a good mother as well? This whole trial is confusing. I will usually watch the court channels to watch this trial slowly unfolding. They have many documents of tapes showing that Casey was doing other things such as going to Target to buy things with her friends money that she stole with their checks instead of out looking for her daughter. Well all I have to say is that things do not look good for Casey Anthony at this time. It's like the OJ Simpson trial part of you thinks he did it and another part thinks then well some of this evidence doesn't add up. That's how I look at the case. How do you look at the case? Is...