Birthday Madness

So I survived my birthday and I had a blast. What I did first was sleeping in a little bit and was hanging out with my mother. For my 21st birthday it will definitly be one that I will remember! I went to Salvation Army and got some clothes for the 8 days spending in Virginia. Had many hours spent there and felt terrible my mom had spent so much money on clothes for me and I usually feel bad if someone spends a lot on me. I am very easy girl to know I don't need expensive things to make me happy. I have some nice cute things ready and set. Afterwards went for lunch to spend and had my very first alcoholic beverage (drink) and it was very different. Well, I went there and thought I would just be getting the drink and my mom being sweet said we could have lunch. Well the lady gave me the Margarita and when I first tasted it I wished that I never even ordered it. It was really strong. The strawberry margarita made me make a sour face many times. I learned before the lunch was over you can't bring the drink with you because it is illegal. Anyone else knew that? Crazy right? 

Well above all the margarita was good and I didn't mind it later but I know for sure I can never be a partier and drink nonstop. Then went quickly to Del Taco for my FREE milk shake and at that time wasn't so thirsty for a drink after everything I had but hey it was good and I recommend Del Taco shakes anytime! Then went straight home and was packing for the trip that should happen in 11 and 1/2 hours from now. I leave and will be back from the trip with spending my time with family for 8 days. Remember I will try from now on to update but I will do it here and there on my tumblr blog because I will not have access to a computer. I will have a simple little phone that is enough. 

Anyone heard of the airline jet blue? Well I have been hearing many raves and that it shoud be a really great airliner to go on and good deals to! They are one of the rarest airliners to give snacks and a drink on board not like regular liners that do nowadays which gives me an A+ in my book for the snacks and drinks AND they have televisions on board per seat so you don't need to crank your neck and hurt it from trying to stare at one ways away. Plus have stations to choose from. Very convenient I must say. 

Well I will be back on Tuesday the 24th and will be posting all about my adventures and won't be putting in names due to privacy reasons but just me and if your are expecting to go either D.C. or Virginia then I will dish out every site and everything you will want to do and buy.

Please subscribe to my blog and have an awesome day readers!


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