Casey Anthony Trial - Day 14 (Skull Pictures)

Todays evidence was all about Caylee's bones. What was shown was her bones strewn all around the foresty area where she was found. For those of you who didn't see it the images are blocked out due to any children being home from school may turn on the news and see it. It isn't something to show. However, just looking at the pictures saddens me. Poor Caylee Anthony's bones were treated like trash. The person who did this never cared about her. If so then this would've never happened. Then after being shown the pictures Casey Anthony is feeling sick. It kind of makes her look guilty right? Well was prosecutors should have done was at least shown her the pictures beforehand and she could've said that she didn't want to be present when pictures were picture shown to the jury. 

Now I wish I can show pictures on here to describe all the pictures and such but honestly. The judge himself said that if any pictures were shown online I'm guessing. Most likely they will be in contempt which is also prosecution. I mean DUH! Who in their sick mind would want to show pictures of bones or even a dead body? It's sick and its very wrong! 

REMEMBER: Anyone found with pictures of the bones of Caylee Anthony will be in contempt of court. The internet is like a pen and cannot be erased so please remember if you have the pictures and want to put them online. Please don't...think about it as if it was your own daughter or granddaughter. 

Rest In Peace Little Caylee Anthony!!

UPDATE 6/21/2011: Since I cannot publicly post any pictures on this blog I have like I promised providing you all with a website to look at the pictures itself. Please go to this direct link and click here

This the wesh news website and scrolling down a little you will find a slideshow of the pictures of the Caylee Anthony skull and bones pictures as well as other pictures from the case from that day. 


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