WTF Brighthouse!
My little rant is going EXTREME! Anyone know who Brighthouse Networks are? Well they are a cable company. Their just like Verizon Fios, they have your internet, television, and phone in one package. Now I work from my home on a phone and I need it so I can get paid of course. Well earlier this morning my phone keeps cutting in and out and I was written up from my job because of it. My phone keeps cutting in and out. I can't even have a good conversation without people not being able to hear me. PLUS every freaking month something goes wrong with them where I can't work. Not only that but a lot of channels on my television set are not at all working. So I'm about ready to lose it! I called them up and tryed to be as polite as I can and say that their "working on it" and "will take a few hours". So I'm waiting and NOTHING is going right. It's like they made things more shitty then ever! I don't know who has brighthouse out there but if you guys move to Florida or where they are situated in but STAY AWAY! Since day one I've been pulling at my hair with them. From the time they installed it things went wrong there and I had to go get another guy who knew what he was doing to come out and fix everything. Then this kind of stuff happens especially when I pay a lot of money for this stuff and for two months I've been really haven't been getting the service I really payed for! I really can't wait til Verizon will have their cable out here for Fios. I see they are much cheaper then Brighthouse and don't have the issues like them. Want to know how much Brighthouse bills costs for the full package? Want to guess $90 because that's how much Verizon is right? Every company should match their plan so people will want to go there. How about this think about spending $115 for everything. Many of you guys may think that's cheap but if you think about it in a sense that you don't really get anything you've paid for it's definitely not worth it.
They are by far the WORST cable company that is out there! Their customer service is so bad! So many times I've never received the right answers for my answers for my questions. I'm not picky or anything like that by far. I ask questions and tell them "Hey, these channels aren't working." They say "oh it's part of the outage going on and I don't know what else there is to say." When the customer service guy told me this I tried to repeatedly say "This has happened for two months now. I know for a fact it isn't". Then he just shuts up and keeps talking about the outage and whatnot. Dude I need my phone for my damn job and if I don't get paid you don't get paid! I never said that of course but deep down I really wanted to. Anyone got any ideas? Anyone have bad problems with any other satellite company or cable company?
I hope that Brighthouse gives me a discount for everything missed on my plan because I hate these damn interruptions! I may just go with AT&T til Verizon Fios is in my area whenever that is. Stick with basic channels that will come through and stick with Netflix. Way much cheaper and don't have the commercials to deal with. If you don't have Netflix you should definitely try it out. They usually will give you a first free month. It's definitely worth it because you get movies right away and don't wait a long time for them. Plus you can watch them on your computer or through any device that is compatible with internet.
Anyway, that is my rant for the day, Ha-ha! Will give you coverage of the on going Casey Anthony case. Remember to search in the search bar to the right for older Casey Anthony posts.
You really should upgrade to a business account if you care at all about service and uptime