Regards to Computer Skills

To start off some people may think that I am younger than I look. I am 21 years old and definitly not in middle school or anything around that age. I know I don't have the greatest computer skills in the world. Plus my typing skills are not the greatest of them all. I do get that but this is my very first webpage and as it's my page I run it by myself. I don't have anyone to help me so I don't have a team like on facebook to run the site. Just me, myself and I can only do this job. I am learning each day about running a website as I am looking into my own .com site for this blog. Throughout this blog you may see me strenuous strive in doing different things on here. Thank you though if you have any bad comments to say because I take them all in and that is how I want to make this blog better. Please tell me what I need to do to make this blog better.




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