Harry Potter 7.2

Today is the start of the end. The very last Harry Potter just released today in theaters has already hit booming box office records. Since Twilight's saga Eclipse movie came out they have had more gross than ever. When Eclipse had come out that movie alone made $30 million for the midnight release. Now almost $43.5 million for Harry Potter's very last movie has been grossed.  Want to know how much it has made worldwide? How about a whopping $126 million dollars so far. This is just for the few hours it has been out. Now next Monday you may see those numbers hit the a world time high. I have never read the last of the books only started with a few and stopped. Now with this movie and with raving reviews this blogger may just go ahead and see it. Have you seen it yet? Don't give out anything but let me know what you think! Remember you can see it in 3D or non-3D. The difference is in the price of course. Remember with box office hits you may want to arrive to your movie an hour or so in advance for lines are huge. Just yesterday I saw "Friends with Benefits" pre-screening and it was around 1pm lines were already starting. All theaters were playing the movie and I mean every theater in the complex was playing the same movie. So remember guys go early and get a good seat!!

Have fun Harry Potter fans!


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