Casey Anthony Sued by Roy Kronk

Remember way back in 2008 when the man who found Caylee Anthony the child of Casey Anthony's  remains (Roy Kronk) is suing her. He claims that during the murder trial of this year in 2011 that she "defamed" him. In the lawsuit Kronk describes that the defense was trying to put all charges on him. Where he was somehow involved in Caylee's death. Lawyers were trying to pin him down with accusations saying he knew all along where her body was. Then keeping it and placing the remains where we all knew they were found today, so he could get all the fame and glory. Which isn't true and that is what Kronk is suing for. Also, remember when Jose Baez said that Caylee drowned in the Casey's parents swimming pool? Well if that's true and she did drown in the pool then why claim that Kronk had any involvment? In the defenses mind it's as if Casey must have known Kronk just randomly murdered Caylee and kept the body. You know how crazy of a story that is? Although he has sued the National Inquirer as well as Leonard Pedilla for defemation. If you don't remember who Leonard Pedilla is, he is the man who bonded Casey Anthony out of jail and in his mind thought he knew he could crack this lady and make her talk about where and what happened to Caylee at the time. To his mistake it all back fired and she as we know hasn't spoken a word about it. 

Casey Anthony is also being sued from Zenaida Gonzalez who claims her life was ruined because of her. Casey used her name and I believe and this is what I have heard that she used her name from some roster in the complex that Casey lived at for a little bit during the time her daughter was missing. She then used up some story saying "Zanny the nanny has her!" The only Zenaida I have ever heard of is her and she lives or lived at that apartment complex which is all factual. Then when police put in their data saying this Zenaida Gonzalez has her the real Zanny finds out when she goes to apply for a job. One employer searched her online and found out she was wanted for a missing child which wasn't true. Zenaida has kids and was looking to earn money for them. She never wanted ANOTHER kid and I bet wouldn't have done anything to hurt poor Caylee. 

What is your take on this whole thing? Should Roy Kronk the man who found the remains, win this case against Casey Anthony for defemation?


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