George Zimmerman Arrested
In the case of George Zimmerman with killing Trayvon Martin. Many people have been wanting Zimmerman arrested. The reason being that on February 26 shots rang out during the night.George Zimmerman had shot 17 year Trayvon Martin. From what we know about George Zimmerman is that he is a watch person for his neighborhood. George Zimmerman pretty much claims Trayvon looks suspicious. The only thing that Trayvon Martin had on him was what he just got from a 7 Eleven nearby on his way back to his fathers home and that was tea and a bag of skittles. From what we hear from the 911 phone calls is that Zimmerman says that Trayvon was putting a hand in his pocket as if thinking the teen had a gun on him. Well next thing most of us all know is that later Zimmerman was found on the ground with blood on him along with Trayvon Martin who was shot dead. Now why did it all happen? Was it just being suspicous thinking he may be a person who could have a gun on him? Did George Zimmerman start confronting him and punching him? All we do know is that there was a gash on the back of his head. I believe there was some sort of fight that went on. Martin I bet didn't want to go down without a fight. Before the shots I think that they fought and I think Zimmerman knew before shooting you fight. Then he may have shot him in self defense and was scared. However, he could have shot Trayvon while fighting and it wasn't self defense. We do know that George Zimmerman confronted Trayvon Martin and he was also the very last person to see him alive. Geoge Zimmerman was arrested earlier today. Just yesterday his lawyers gave up on him saying he hasn't talked to him so they are not representing him. Now his new lawyer says he has talked to him and is ready. It will interesting when the trial begins. At this time Zimmerman is being transferred to the Seminole County jail where he will be booked and charged with second degree murder. Second degree murder isn't like first degree. Second degree is where someone who pretty much doesn't have a reason as to the murder. They were in a fit of rage or some sort of feeling that made them act upon it. Either way it is sad that a young teen is gone and a man who shot him has his life completely altered from that day. Even if he is found innocent just like Casey Anthony I'm guessing he will have to go on witness protection for many people are angry for this.
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