Saturday, November 5, 2011

Employers Looking to Hire

Below is a list of empoyers you can apply to that may be in your local area to work for. Such as Walmart, Kmart, Target, etc. The list will be updated whenever I find more websites to apply with. Feel free to let me know some yourself and I will add them up on the list.

Work at Home

Many readers may or may not have a job. Most of which don't work from home or desperatly seeking a job that they will take anything. Well listed below are some websites you can apply to work from at home. The list will be updated when whenever I find good sites. Remember never pay for a job the employer pays you. Plus this takes the hassle of going to and from work everyday and instead you work from your own home. Saves time on gas and so much more you really should be saving on.

I'm back!

It's been some years since I updated this blog. At first I had no idea what to blog about. Maybe things about life or about what is goin...