Saturday, July 23, 2011

The Change-Up Pre-Screening Passes (More Tickets)

Found another website to get free tickets if you missed getting tickets. Hurry to get them before they run out.

All you need to do is give them your e-mail and such and the ticket will be e-mailed to you and print out the ticket and you are good to go.

Click here to get free tickets for "The Change-Up"

Remember these tickets don't just sit here all day they go really fast. Plus it's free so you don't need to spend money!! Yay! 


Friday, July 22, 2011

The Change-Up Pre-Screening Passes

Want to see the movie "The Change-Up" for free and before the main public sees it?

Click here. Scroll down to see your city and state and where the next showing will be held.

Remember to arrive early to get the seat you want. Plus depending on if it is a movie that everyone wants to see arrive pretty early. 

Again click here and have fun at the movies!! ^_^


Thursday, July 21, 2011

Crazy, Stupid, Love Pre-Screening Tickets

Want to see the movie "Crazy, Stupid, Love" before anyone else and for FREE?

Click here and find if you live in any nearby cities then you may be able to get a ticket. 

Remember to arrive early. If it says 7:30 pm then get to the movies around 4-4:30 to be the first in line and get the spot you really want. Plus it may be a very popular movie so everyone will want to see it.

Good luck! Have fun at the movies!!

Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Where in the World is: Casey Anthony

Casey Anthony wearing an Ohio State Jersey

Rumors are speculating she could be in Ohio, Texas, or Puerto Rico. One website had said she arrived in Columbus, Ohio on the 17th but she may still be there or not. I don't have a tracker on her. Sorry guys! Though I do think she would be in Ohio just the fact that she moved from there with her parents to Orlando, FL. She knows the area of Ohio like she knows Florida so it's not to big on my part if she's still there and we just can't find her. Her attorneys don't want her dead they want her alive of course. She's the one who is paying them pretty much. Once she gets money in and you know she will sadly. She will get maybe millions of dollars for the story of her late daughter Caylee Marie Anthony. Even though many people say they won't buy her book or watch the interviews and blah blah blah. You know for a fact you may be curious when you watch the interview as to what is coming out of that liars mouth. Then for her writing a book is concerned I would just get it from the library. That way it's free and she doesn't make money off of it. If she makes money off of anything then you are helping her win. She will then pay off her attorneys so well that any upcoming case against her she will get away scotch free. 

Remember that Zanida Gonzolez who was also "Zanny the nanny" who had supposedly kidnapped her or so Casey Anthony claimed what happened. I don't know if you will agree but I think Zanida has a definite win. Why? Well Casey Anthony didn't just randomly say her name because she may have taken meds or randomly said a name out to throw people off it was from a registry. Casey went to the Saw Grass apartments where I believe her boyfriend at the time lived. Then said that she had taken her and came up with a bunch of lies. Zanida got all this crap thrown at her because when she applied for a job one employer looked online and found out she was a suspect to the case. She was a suspect to a missing child and when your a suspect to a case that is VERY known, not a lot of people will want you around. What happens if you don't have a job? Well you can't pay your rent so she lost her apartment and you can't pay for really anything so how can you live? That's why she wants to win because Casey ruined her life. Zanida has six kids and its her responsibility to actually be a mother and be there for her children unlike Casey Anthony. 

There is also Equusearch main leader and the bail bondsmen from Texas. They also want to sue her and together each want a total of $300,000. Now I am not sure on the fact that she may even pay the state of Florida back for everything that has happened when she got police and everyone involved in that search. She costs Orange County Florida taxpayers hundreds of thousands of dollars and somehow someway she will may that money back. Now the main leader of the Equusearch who founded it really doesn't want the money for himself but it goes towards finding a missing person. Casey Anthony had claimed she thought Caylee was somewhere and made them look all over the place. When there were many calls to the leader of Equusearch, he had to turn them down because he was here in Florida. Casey is a bitch and I'm sorry if you feel a different way but this is how I feel. I think that she's a spoiled little brat and when there comes to a lie she can't keep her mouth shut. Though when it comes to having that lie go about like her many lies she will shut up and let it go. Eqqusearch was founded because the founder himself had his daughter missing. She was found miles away from home along with a few other bodies. He has dedicated his own time to help find kids. Casey Anthony just wanted to keep lieing so much until they stopped pointing fingers at her. Just like the bail bondsmen from Texas (remember both are from Texas so that's why there's speculation that she may have been there) claims shes a liar as well. He had thought that he could somehow get her to talk. Sorry dude but you were way wrong. You may think that some people are easy to get things out of but you were wrong. That chick won't say a word until the very end.

Here is what I think she will never say a word about Caylee Anthony because she will say it's to hard on her. It may be to hard to talk about and will reject talking about Caylee but talk about herself. I try to get in the brain of certain people and Casey Anthony is a tough one to beat. I believe all throughout the trial she wouldn't say a word including on the stand because she didn't want to tamper with the verdict. She wanted to get anything that was going to happen whether it was guilty or not and find out what it was without giving any extra craziness. She knew the lawyers would twist her words around but didn't want the jurors to think anything less of her. I think that Jose Baez told her not to go on the stand as well. Honestly, I hear so many rumors of them two together that is crazy. All I want to say to Jose Baez's wife is that you better keep a leash on your husband because she's a younger girl and he's the only guy that will want to be around her. I mean there are guys that want to be around her now but their a little creepy. Have you seen who have wanted to marry her lately? Weirdos!! Just be careful girl, if she can trick so many people on thinking her daughter was somewhere else other than where she was originally found. Then she can certainly trick your husband Jose Baez. 

More updates soon! Keep on reading and subscribing for more!


Saturday, July 16, 2011

Casey Anthony Released

Casey Anthony walks close by to her attorney Jose Baez out of the Orange County jail.

Casey Anthony and her attorney Jose Baez going into the black minivan

The time has come from a week since her hearing and til when she will be freed out in the world that hates her. It was at a little bit past midnight that she had walked out with her attorney Jose Baez. She was acquitted on July 5th and was found not guilty with jurors. My reaction still I believe the jurors just wanted to not have death on their hands and wanted to go home. They should have at least thought about it a little longer. Then I would be okay with the verdict. She had 3 felonies against her and the first of murder wasn't I have agreed that there was no evidence found. Sadly, you can't just put her in jail because you hate someone. However, one of them she should've been found guilty for and that is my opinion and this is coming from an Orlando chick.

She walked close by to Jose Baez as if they could've been holding hands at one point. She then got into a black minivan. Doesn't it seem like all the celebrities get out in the middle of night with one of those its the "getaway" cars nowadays. Any who all I have to say is good luck Casey Anthony. You have more people around the world that hate you as much as much or even more than OJ Simpson. To kill anyone especially a little girl is the worst in most eyes. We will never know how Caylee Anthony was killed and why. We may never even know by who in a sense. All I do know is that she's gone and that we as in all of us around the world need to take this tragedy into consideration. There are millions maybe even billions of little kids and people who go missing and are killed. Sometimes it's not in our hands when they go missing but it is something we can try and stop. 

Friday, July 15, 2011

Harry Potter 7.2

Today is the start of the end. The very last Harry Potter just released today in theaters has already hit booming box office records. Since Twilight's saga Eclipse movie came out they have had more gross than ever. When Eclipse had come out that movie alone made $30 million for the midnight release. Now almost $43.5 million for Harry Potter's very last movie has been grossed.  Want to know how much it has made worldwide? How about a whopping $126 million dollars so far. This is just for the few hours it has been out. Now next Monday you may see those numbers hit the a world time high. I have never read the last of the books only started with a few and stopped. Now with this movie and with raving reviews this blogger may just go ahead and see it. Have you seen it yet? Don't give out anything but let me know what you think! Remember you can see it in 3D or non-3D. The difference is in the price of course. Remember with box office hits you may want to arrive to your movie an hour or so in advance for lines are huge. Just yesterday I saw "Friends with Benefits" pre-screening and it was around 1pm lines were already starting. All theaters were playing the movie and I mean every theater in the complex was playing the same movie. So remember guys go early and get a good seat!!

Have fun Harry Potter fans!

Tuesday, July 12, 2011

"The Help" Movie Passes

Want to see the movie "The Help" before it comes out to theaters? I have found varies websites for pre-screening movie and want to share them with you.

At click here and there are many cities for the movie that day. Will constantly update you on any movie I find for more FREE movies and things. Please subscribe because when they come in the tickets will go out fast.

Also, it's first come first serve. So arrive early. If the movie is at 7:30pm you should arrive at least at 5pm to be in front and get the seat you want. 

Again, click here for tickets on the movie "The Help". 

Monday, July 11, 2011

Free Slurpee Day!

Today is 7/11 and for those of you who forgot or don't know it's also free slurpee's at 7 Eleven. Every year on this day they have many free slurpee's to give away for being their name. Today just so happens to mark the 84th birthday of when the 7 Eleven first opened up. 

Now with many unemployed people and it also being free you would think that 7 Eleven would suffer a lot for giving away for many slurpee's. In truth 7 Eleven makes a killing. Each year they sell so many slurpee's that they can fill about 12 Olympic-sized swimming pools. That's a lot right? Think about giving and getting. You have to give something and in return you get a profit back if someone liked that product.

This whole tradition started in 2002 on 7 Eleven's 75th birthday. Ever since then families have come on this day to grab that nice cold beverage. Now go to your 7 Eleven and get that FREE and I do mean free slurpee. 

Thursday, July 7, 2011

OJ Simpson and Casey Anthony Together!!

Okay, we all know Casey Anthony isn't dating OJ Simpson but I got this through a text and wanted to share this picture to all of you. What do you think? I bet she's would be cheating on Scott Peterson!

What do you think? She's cheating on Scott Peterson! He may get a little mad if he saw this right?

Caylee's Law

Hello All!

Ever since the jury from the Casey Anthony case there has been a new law that's been trying to be now the new law. The law is called Caylee's Law which is named after Caylee Anthony the little girl who went missing by the fault of her mother Casey Anthony. Casey Anthony had never claimed she was missing until exactly 31 days after she was truely missing. She lyed to police telling them that she was looking for them and was using "resources" to find her. Well all of that was a lie in itself. So instead people have made a new law and hope that it will be passed. Caylee's Law will say and this quoted directly from the petition site. It reads: "Caylee's Law, contact your Senator and Representative: there should be a new federal law created called Caylee's Law that will make it a federal offense for a parent or guardian to not notify law enforcement of a child going missing in a timely manner." In about 3 days they have had over 400.000 petitioners who signed it and it keeps on growing! They need about 50,000 or so more and every persons signature counts. So please sign the petition in your way to honor Caylee Anthony.

If the widget to your right doesn't work you can also go directly to the website here.



Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Casey Anthony Trial - Verdict Found Not Guilty

Casey Marie Anthony was found not guilty on both accounts. Can you believe that both not guilty? She had something to do with the murder of her daughter. What is up with the jurors? I'm a little bit pissed off because I honestly had thought she had killed her daughter and there could've been someone else who helped her. Who killed her then? Though when she was found not guilty she hugged her lawyer and had sobbed later as a victory hug. Now she is aquitted for ever being apart of her daughters death. She will be in jail for the remainder of her sentencing. Then who knows where she will go next. Maybe go back to her parents home if they will still want her back. 

She had also given another hug to her lawyers in just a huge gratitude. A stampede of people it seems have come to the court house to find out what the verdict is. We have all waited three whole years to find out what is the verdict. If her mother will be found guilty and have the death penalty. In the end not so much that fact.

Even though I guess its true you can't put someone as guilty if you hate her. It's got to be the reason that all the evidence is found to show she's guilty of murderering her daughter. Though I believe all the evidence did add up that she would lie all the time. All the evidence pointed to Casey Anthony. It's just like OJ Simpson and he got away with it. Where is the justice for Caylee? Caylee is dead and where is her killer? I may be blowing steam but I am just in a shock at the moment like many people out there. Please let me know what you think in the comments below.

All I know is that Casey Marie Anthony has got to be careful out there because there are going to be a lot of unhappy people. You are now the new OJ Simpson and please be careful. All I know is that there will be a riot.

Remember: Casey Anthony will be on probation when she is freed. She will have to follow the rules of the law. If she doesn't she will go back to jail. She has to be living under one roof in order for probation to apply. So here's the beginning of another person that was mistakenly freed.

Casey Anthony Trial - Verdict Soon!!

Verdict will be read at 2:15pm EST! So stay tuned and there is live coverage to your right. ^_^

Oh the anticipation for the verdict!! 

Casey Anthony Trial - The Grandparents

As this case is slowing coming to and end with a verdict around the corner all I think about now is the grandparents in all of this. Here they were not knowing what would become so crazy and ruin their lives. Casey Anthony had ruined their lives since she left home for 31 days with Caylee. Since not seeing Caylee she kept lying where she could be and even before Caylee had been missing. On the stand both Cindy and George had testified on their recollection on all the days before and after her missing. I keep having these mental images of Cindy Anthony crying and almost passing out it seemed when she heard her recording of the 911 call saying she just found out her daughter doesn't know where Caylee Anthony is. Then I have another of George Anthony just sobbing because here is his only granddaughter who went missing. She is now dead and he can't do anything about it. Neither of the grandparents can do anything except hope that their child doesn't go on the death penalty. Since Caylee had been missing and is now sadly dead their whole lives were just now all over the place. All over the world know about their buisness just as much or more of our very own lives. It's as if we stepped into the doors of the Anthony's and were there when Caylee was born. When Caylee was running around and giving a huge smile to everyone because that's what children do is be all bubbly and they don't harm anyone or anything. Except the bad people out there who do and kill and have no heart. They lie all the way through.

George Anthony crying while talking testifying on the stand about his granddaughter.
Cindy Anthony in the bedroom of Caylee Anthony
Who the hell would kill an innocent child? You know it's sad to say but this happens a lot in our world today. This was just something running through my mind but there are so many children who are killed or missing. There are so many cases each year and you see them on billboards, magazines, through the mail on postcards, etc. The only reason why we know about Caylee Anthony's case is that the media had received this story and made it crazy as it is now. We don't recognize all the other children who were just like Caylee. They were or still missing and haven't been found. The clues don't add up and still don't do this day. We all wish that Caylee Anthony was alive including myself. Just we should help those families who have a loved one missing or at least prevent any child or person from going missing. It will be one less family who won't go to bed knowing they won't see that person in the morning when they wake up. There should be something done! 

Back to the topic even though the Antony's probably won't read the blogs or really anything that is said out about them per say. This is just a message in my own heart to them:

Dear Anthony's,

 I really am sorry for the loss of your grandchild. I didn't know her at all and like many will sadly never get to know her. She was a beautiful little girl and captured all our hearts. If I was to bring her back to this earth I would. Losing someone is hard and I know what your whole family is going through is even tougher. I just want you to know you all are in my prayers. I don't blame Lee because he was just a brother just wondering in his own life what happened to his niece. I also don't blame either you Cindy and George for that matter. I don't think that either one of you had killed her with this gut feeling. You both on the stands I can tell are caring parents and would do anything for your daughter to live and I totally get that. Sometimes I go in between if Casey did it or not. The questions keep looming about of "Who killed her? Why did they kill her?" and so on and so forth. I just hope that not everyone in this world doesn't think your bad people or bad parents. You did everything right you could do. I again personally don't know you and just hearing testimonies of your lives I still think that you guys are great parents and were amazing grandparents. Please be safe and careful in your lives ahead. I know it's tough now but things may get better in the long run.


If anyone wants to write a letter of their own you can in the comments below. I just personally felt like writing one without sending it to them. I don't want to send one out to them just the fact that they may never read it and it's just another letter but you never know. ^^

Updates on the case will be posted!

Monday, July 4, 2011

Casey Anthony Trial - Day of Deliberations

After both the prosecution side and the defense had their closing just moments ago the jurors had gone in for their first day of deliberations. Everyone inside and outside are just waiting to hear the verdict. Will she be guilty or be found not guilty? What also could happen is that there could be a hung jury and they would have to do this all over again. Can you imagine another 20 or so days again and will have to pick a new jury. The jury selection itself was crazy. Plus this case has gone so world wide that it may be hard if there were to do this case all over again. 

I have to say though the prosecution's closing statement was amazing! They had everything on every single point. I have called Linda Drane Burdick one of the prosecution lawyers a woman whose like a bulldog all the way through. She is one tough woman who made her closing statement on every single point that was needed to be said. Though I do think Jose Baez did great for being a defense lawyer. Both sides had a great statement to think about for the jurors to really think about what's needed to find Casey Anthony guilty of murdering her little girl. 

Each second of each minute of each day will be a strain not knowing if the jurors have made a verdict. The whole world wants to know what will happen next. Will Casey Anthony be charged for murder? Will she be found innocent? Hearing who the jurors are in a sense that some may not want her to have the death penalty and may say she's innocent. I am confused on the whole situation and if I would have been a great juror if I was in the case as a juror. 

So far we don't know what is int he mind of these jurors. Are they in the in between whether or not she's guilty? Are they just going through all the evidence first to retrace Casey Anthony's steps? Could be so many things but at the moment we don't know until that final day. These jurors will pretty much be instant celebrities for this case. 

I just hope whatever is the verdict is what they really feel from the testimonies and the evidence. I hate to see someone on the death penalty myself but there could be different solutions. Do you think Casey Anthony should be put to death if found guilty? Should she just spend the rest of her life in jail just like she has been for these past three years?

Sunday, July 3, 2011

Case Against Casey:Day of Verdict

Casey Anthony's last day may be today of finding out if by the jurors of being found guilty or not guilty. She has made her parents gone through hell and back just to say she was innocent. Her mother of all people has tried to defend her and may even be in contempt of court. Now today may be the day just moments before court starts the jurors may be able to find out if she is in fact her true sentencing. Is she guilty to you readers? Even though the defense does prove that there is no evidence proving that she isn't guilty there isn't anything to prove she's innocent either. She's proven to be a liar of many sorts. Would the verdict be different or the same if she was to go on the stand and testify? The world would like to hear the words out of her mouth talk about everything. She will be critized in every single detail imaginable. She wasn't where she said she was when poor Caylee Anthony was missing. Jose Baez, as her attorney should have gone with a whole different story in the beginning. Making up some stupid little story about a drowning? C'mon I know that happens to little kids but be for real. George Anthony would have confessed from day 1 about the drowning he seems to weak and brittle of a heart to not say anything. Then to go against Cindy (Casey's mother) who confessed her side of the story but she started to lie on the stand. Now I don't know about you but she shouldn't get any punishment for lying. I'm not saying lying is good or anything but shes a mother. Unlike her daughter, Cindy will bend over backwards for her. She doesn't want her child to die. Her parents lost their only grandchild and now Casey may be next? If your a mother and until there is proven facts that your child did the crime. Won't you be in denial from all this? Wouldn't you be going crazy and do everything those two parents did for their child. I mean that whole family should get a family code of credibility. They stood up for one another through the really tough times. 

Every single day that family had people all over their house because of the media. The damn media had got into their business and invaded their privacy. Imagine your home swarmed with reporters and people screaming at you every day. Though you get to go home and rest soundly, they were terrorized with people. Their lives are never the same anymore and whatever the verdict is I bet there will be lots of tears and lots of angry people. It's going to go both ways whether its bad or good. I believe even if she's found guilty or not she may just stay in jail the rest of her life. The reason may just be that she will confess to insanity for the sake of her life. 

Here's what the moment the jurors have made their decision. They will say "We the jury find Casey Marie Anthony........". The whole room will be hush and room full of sighs of anger or relief. Then outside the courtroom will be another ball game. They may need more security then ever because it's going to go like a mad house and I do mean MAD house. What is she gets out? Well George and Cindy may need security 24/7. 

Do you think she's guilty or not? What is your theory?

Friday, July 1, 2011

Regards to Computer Skills

To start off some people may think that I am younger than I look. I am 21 years old and definitly not in middle school or anything around that age. I know I don't have the greatest computer skills in the world. Plus my typing skills are not the greatest of them all. I do get that but this is my very first webpage and as it's my page I run it by myself. I don't have anyone to help me so I don't have a team like on facebook to run the site. Just me, myself and I can only do this job. I am learning each day about running a website as I am looking into my own .com site for this blog. Throughout this blog you may see me strenuous strive in doing different things on here. Thank you though if you have any bad comments to say because I take them all in and that is how I want to make this blog better. Please tell me what I need to do to make this blog better.



I'm back!

It's been some years since I updated this blog. At first I had no idea what to blog about. Maybe things about life or about what is goin...