Thursday, May 27, 2010

Cute Humping Dog

Any one who doesn't like seeing a dog hump a toy then don't watch!

Those who do may laugh their ass off.

Hope you enjoy!

Saturday, May 22, 2010 Find Books to Rent

Have you ever heard of If not then that's okay I am here to talk about it. The website is similar to Netflix. Netflix is where you rent a movie and you can rent movies and each time you do you can watch them and send them back to receive another movie. BookSwim has the similar concept and is the very first book netflix-style online rental to do so. What is awesome is that you can read the book and then send it back whenever you like. There are no late fees! Well you may ask yourself: "What if I wanted the book later on?" Well what you can do is choose to purchase it and keep it. Its a really cool way to explore books you may or may not like and may keep them in the long run. I think a lot better than the library right? So if you like to visit it then totally go ahead and sign up! I am and it is an awesome experience for me! Plus there's Twilight so any Twilight lover as well this is the rental place for you! Gift Card

Thursday, May 20, 2010

I signed up for SocialSpark!!

 It is now official I have signed up for SocialSpark. What is SocialSpark? Well it is a website where you can get paid for blogging. Though it is legit and a reputable company because I am currently using one of their programs for tweeting at Sponsored Tweets. So I can definitely say that I am excited for the future of blogging for them. The process of signing up was quite easy as well. When I first signed up they wanted just basic info of who you are and what your blog URL is. Then the next step was for advertiser purposes of getting to know who you are. The reason being is because once a advertiser sees your profile they may want to have you post an ad for them. That would be awesome right? I will of course be doing more feedback for them because again I am very excited to be in this "SocialSpark" as they are called.  I have just started with them and my experiences are really great. They seem like a website that has great potential and I seem to enjoy how the website looks. If you like what you hear them go ahead and go to the site!

This is a Sponsored Post written by me on behalf of IZEA. All opinions are 100% mine.


Code of Ethics" rel="nofollow">Sign up for SocialSpark

Visit my sponsor: I Signed Up for SocialSpark!

Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Career Network Scam

Have you ever heard of Career Network? If not then you may or may know if you can remember getting a call about a job. You could've even got a text saying to call some number for a job. Well I honestly used to work for them. Why? Well I needed a job and with the economy the way it is. That was the only job I could find. Plus at the time I didn't know it was even that job it was misleading when I applied. Anyway when I talked to applicants many of them thought they applied for a real job. I at first thought it was real myself. Then started to get suspicious when there were more compaints and did a little research online and learned of the scams it was doing. However, I guess in legal terms from my part that I knew we weren't doing anything illegal. The verification specialist just verifys your "job application" then there was a part they told us goes to the education line. Once we were finished with verifying we would try to see if they wanted to further their education. Most people don't and that's okay. So during the process we would motivate them to go back and answer what they wanted to be. Then get them to call a 1-800 number which was to call someone for talking about school. From them we would hope that it would go through and they accepted to go to school because then we would get money. That was how we were payed and honestly it was grueling work with no benefits and nothing but commission only and getting many applications per day and sometimes getting nothing for the day. It is sick what they did but again that was the only job I could find and was hiring. So where the scam part? Well in the beginning of the few months I worked there it seemed that they illegalized a dialer system. This dialer system was where telemarketers or whoever can't call you on a system that just shot out your number and called it and we picked up. We never called them but the system did and many people don't like it when they are called. Especially those on the west side of the US because if it was 9am here it was 6 am there and trust me there are alot of unhappy people then. Well I would be the same way to. lol (which i appologize for everyone I talked to and even though you may not know me and i dnt know you for talking to you and missleading you) Then another scam part is that the people of Career Network sold your information. I heard on the local news here that they tried to sell your info to schools and thats why they wanted you so much to go back to school for the money and thats it. On the job we had a script on the screen telling us what to say each minute especially if there were questions. We also had some printed copys of questions and answers that people ask alot and were prepped to know what to say at that moment. Some questions and answers asked were:

1. "Who is the employer?" Well I don't have the name of the employer itself because we are contracted by thousands of employers nation wide.

2. "Where is the job located?" The job should be located within 25 miles of your home address.

3. "How did you get my info?" You applied for it online. (sometimes it would be longer and they would ask "Well I don't remember applying for it where did you get it? then we would say well we are on many websites so I can't pinpoint where exactly."

4. "Who are you?" I'm so and so with Career Network

5. "What does the job entitle? (such as pay and whatnot)" Well I don't have that information because we are contracted by thousands of employers nationwide but I do know that once they see your application and if interested they will contact you. From there they will be happy to answer and questions pertaining to the job.

Many questions such as those I was prepped to know and ready to answer. They sound very good right? If you were to talk to someone you may be like "Wow! They seem legit!" However, they are not. Even the employees of the company such as myself were never given who the employers are. They just said that there are real jobs. The managers just told us bogus stories. Plus one weird thing was that they changed their name at the company. I'm not saying Career Network was changed because it remained the same. I'm saying that the company was called "Three Stars Inc." or "Three Stars Media" then they then changed it and currently is "The Internet Company". That sent red flags again as of why would they change their name. Then in changing their name they changed their location. They were in one building in metrowest to another in a differnt location. 

The main thing I want to address is if you get a call from them is just tell them your not interested instead of cursing or yelling because they are humans to you know? Then hang up and call whoever such as the BBB or the cops or whoever is in charge and can do something about it. 

I am doing my part and going on many sites and telling people (and yes I am anonomous in most) to say that its a scam and dont trust them. I am also (yes I may b extreme) but go on my local news in florida and tell people. Most likely they would be happy to do an interview with me because if you go onto and type in the search of "Career Network" you will find people who were on florida news and telling people its a scam. So if I ever do that I will record it and post it on youtube and show you viewers as of proof. lol.

Though for more scams I will be letting you know in the future of my random blog. Hope this helps you all! Just be safe and careful in the real and cyber world!

UPDATE: Thank you readers for your comments and will do an updated post for all your questions and try to answer them. :-) Also, for those still looking for work please type in in the search bar to your right for careers you can work from home that aren't scams. Search in "Work At Home" and you will find a list from a post I have set up that has some companies you can work for. You can also search in "Empoyers Looking to Hire" for a list of local companies that you can apply with such as walmart, target, kmart, etc. w/o going to your local store itself.

Also this company has been called as "softrock" "gigats" "the internet company", as well as "three stars inc" any of those companies that call you hang up.

Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Will the World end in 2012? By Raymond C. Hundley

Will the World End in 2012?
This book seemed very interesting by the title. So before reading I pondered in the back to see what it is about. Such as if you were before going to see a movie you wanted to know what it may be about. It was great to read but confusing when there was letters at the end. The book made it a little confusing but still was very interesting. The first part that wasn't with letter was very good and if there may be a second part of the book somewhere then I may find it and read it. Which by the way it is a Christian book and for me its a great way to see what its like through another ones mind as to what may happen on that year around that time. So he puts his own opinions and facts in there. I really did enjoy this book and you probably will to! I've read it twice already so why not?

Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Cinco De Mayo 2010

What is Cinco De Mayo? It is a holiday which we celebrate the Mexican victory over Spain at the Battle of Puebla on May 5, 1862. We celebrate it as a celebration of Mexican heritage and pride. Some of use may not be mexican but we still celebrate it including the state of Puebla which was where the battle was on. However, its not as celebated in Mexico as you may think. There are some people who celebrate it but not as many. Anyhow are you celebrating Cinco de Mayo? For me I am in my little way of going out to my favorite restauraunt! Which I may vlog about later. They have the best food and service. I love it! Plus its the best place ever to celebrate the holiday. They have food, music, and well no dance floor but who says you can't dance. Dance where ever your heart desires! Happy Cinco De Mayo everyone!!

I'm back!

It's been some years since I updated this blog. At first I had no idea what to blog about. Maybe things about life or about what is goin...