Florida's Strawberrys
In the news this week I have been getting issues of strawberrys. To find out our strawberrys will die and never be picked due to the fact its to much money. However, farmers say they won't even let people come into the farms to pick them. Why? Well the farmers don't want to get sued and anyone harming the crops. Which in my opinion is crap because when I was little in kindergarten went to a farm and got to pick carrots. We learned to pick them and get the dirt when picking off of them. This would be done only once per year. Now I think they should let people come in and have them sign a contract. The contract should be if there is something wrong with the strawberrys then its not their fault. Plus for no person to harm the crops in anyway. If there was a contract like that then maybe farmers may let people come on. I would definitly want to pick some strawberrys. If I find out anymore I will let you know. I might even head over to one of the farms and find out if that may be po...